A Life on the Roadshow...
...and Beyond [illustrated / unillustrated]
A talk recommended for a special occasion, an after-dinner, conference or festival event
2012 marks my 26th season on the BBC's Antiques Roadshow. This legendary programme is bigger than it looks: the planning, venue vetting, team co-ordination, selection, crowd control (and occasional therapy) plus the rigging and de-rig depends on a huge team of colleagues working all year round. Specialists like me just turn up the night before, leaving the team to clear up afterwards, followed by the editors turning sows' ears into silk purses..
The edited programme shows barely one percent of the treasures brought in on the day. We usually see between 1500 and 2500 people. And the average number of objects per person...? Breakages....? The most expensive object handled....? How much do the clients know beforehand? How spontaneous are the experts? How strange are the experts...and the clients?
These and many more questions will be answered along with Things You Never Knew...A highly successful talk title for Roadshow "groupies" throughout the world.
...the spontaneous intensity of the applause which you received on finishing is ample testimony to the sheer success of the evening... Prof. TS London
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